Michelle Ferreri calls for the removal of mandatory PCR testing for fully vaccinated travellers entering Canada

November 12, 2021

Ottawa, ON – MP Michelle Ferreri, Conservative Shadow Minister for Tourism, released the following statement calling on Justin Trudeau to remove the current pre-departure PCR testing requirements for fully vaccinated travelers entering Canada through land borders, in addition to harmonize with US regulations on air travel, and remove the pre-departure requirement for a PCR test in favour of a rapid antigen test for fully vaccinated travellers:

“Canada’s travel and tourism industry continues to be put on the back burner and we need immediate action.

“The current pre-departure PCR testing requirement for travellers has put an enormous strain on an already suffering industry. I agree with Erin O’Toole’s call to the Trudeau Liberals to act on this for the benefit of all Canadians.

“The PCR test negatively impacts our economy by placing increased financial burdens on travellers entering Canada. As a result, Canada has experienced a devastating decline in tourism spending within our country and jobs loses in tourism and hospitality sectors. The situation continues to worsen as the industry struggles to stay alive under Liberal policies that discourage travel and tourism.

“Burdensome testing requirements have also meant that many families have been unable to see their loved ones for over 20 months. Removing the pre-departure PCR testing requirements will allow for much needed family unification.

“Canada’s Conservatives are calling on the Trudeau government to remove the current predeparture PCR testing requirements for fully vaccinated travelers entering Canada through land borders, in addition to harmonize with US regulations on air travel, and remove the predeparture requirement for a PCR test in favour of a rapid antigen test for fully vaccinated air travellers.”